Quotes from the Film

Joe “lightning” Little Red tails (2012)

“Nothings Difficult. Everything’s a challenge. Through adversity to the stars. From the last plane to the last bullet to the last minute to the last man- we fight. We Fight! We fight!”
– Joe “lightning” little 1

“We have the right to fight for our country. The same as every other American.”

– Colonel Bullard 2

Squadron 332 Red Tails (2012)

“Respect the uniform” – Colonel Willian Mortamus

“Believe me, sir, that is all I have respect for.” – Colonel Bullard 3

“Experience is a cruel teacher, gives the exam first and then the lesson”

– Declan “Winky” Hall 4


  1. Red tails, Disney Plus, 2012. https:www.disneyplus.com/Redtails
  2. Red Tails (2012)
  3. Red Tails (2012)
  4. Red Tails (2012)